
Selamat Datang di Blogger Palang Merah Remaja WIRA MANSDA Jln. Jenggolo No. 02 (Belakang Stadion Lama)SIDOARJO

Friday, February 26, 2016

Pease Believe Me

Please believe me . .
Everyday nobody with me . .
It's so difficult that i feel alone. .
Really, i need friends . .

Read this :)

Ustadz Marzuki Imron, a master likes cosplay and used to be NARUTO.
but he tried to teach religion of Islam through a hobby.
although he followed the cosplay in the adzan. he was continue to carry out prayers by using the naruto. and it makes a lot of people are interested and asking for photos together.
i think we must follow what Mr. Marzuki do for teaching religion of islam to everybody in the world.

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